2 Total Employees
2 Local Employees
Year Founded: 2012

<p>&nbsp;</p><p>SMaartShop platform provides incentives to shoppers for sharing brand preferences, shopping experiences in their social graph (facebook and/or twitter).&nbsp;</p><p>The application enables Retailers to…</p><p style="margin-left:47.25pt;">1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Reduce their cost of Customer Acquisition&nbsp;</p><p style="margin-left:47.25pt;">2.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Increase the Life Time Value of their customers</p><p>BY</p><p style="margin-left:47.25pt;">1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Giving them visibility into consumer’s preferences and brand affinity</p><p style="margin-left:47.25pt;">2.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Providing feedback about the customer's shopping experience when they visited retail store</p><p>&nbsp;<strong>We do this by…</strong></p><p style="margin-left:47.25pt;">1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Getting consumer’s social interest , brand affinities and preferences through Social Media, past purchasing patterns (POS +e -com)</p><p style="margin-left:47.25pt;">2.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Identifying when a consumer walks into the store through a mobile App</p><p style="margin-left:47.25pt;">3.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Pushing customized promotion to a consumer( mobile app) based on their preferences and brand affinity</p><p>All the above actions are done only with tacit approval of the customer who has enrolled in SMaaRTSHOP program.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>