11 Ignorant Yet Important Business Facts To Know Before Getting Started

Written by Sheza Gary
Published on Nov. 04, 2016
11 Ignorant Yet Important Business Facts To Know Before Getting Started

Everyone has had thoughts about starting their own business. The idea of being the boss is very appealing to a lot of people. Unfortunately, many people lack the confidence or financial means to actually follow through with these dreams. For those who are interested in pursuing these dreams, we’ve compiled a list of 10 tips that are sure to help any new small business.

The Business Has To Come First

When you’re the owner of a business, in order to be successful, you have to be hands on. Your work day will begin earlier and end later than you are used to. The average small business owner puts in twice as many hours as a regular employee. When they are not at the store or office working, they are out meeting with clients, marketing teams or working on ways to help the business be more successful. Eventually the business will become self-sufficient so you begin to enjoy the benefits of being a business owner, but for the time being, say goodbye to your social life.

Stop Planning and Start Doing

Many small business owners never leave the planning stage. They waste countless hours researching and creating goals and plans. They also create lists on different ways they can reach these goals. Unfortunately, they never get out of the gate and start applying these plans. The more you actually start doing, the more successful your business is going to become.

Throw Timeframes Out The Window

Many of the most successful entrepreneurs thought that they could rush the process and get their business up and running quicker than others. Having an accelerated timeline is fine and well, but you must balance those aspirations with reality. If you rush the process, you’re going to create long-term side effects that could come back to hurt your business in the future. Anything worth doing, is worth doing right.

Learn To Delegate

Everyone has their own strengthens and weaknesses. A strong business owners knows when to outsource tasks to others. Things that fall under the category of a weakness should be outsourced. This saves precious time and money, as well as nets more favorable results for the business.

Easy Come – Easy Go

The cash flow of a small business changes with the wind. It will take some time before a business I able to overcome this issue, which is why a lot of small business owners work a part-time job. This allows them to still take care of their families while the business is going through its infancy stage. This is not a sign of failure, however; it is a natural part of the process.

The Key To Success Is Failure

While it might sound backwards, failure is in fact one of the major keys to success. Failure sometimes may lead to a negative state of mind, but you should stay motivated as it will definitely prove to be one of the major keys to success. Motivation plays a vital role to success. You can also take help of motivational speakers in this task as they are the professionals and have the power to influence the mind of the people.

Find A Mentor

Learning is part of the game. The best way to learn is from the advice and help of others. If you’ve been doing your networking, you should be able to find a mentor or two to help you overcome some of the problems you’re facing. Keep in mind, they are not going to tell you what to do or hand you a fist full of money. They’re going to give you the knowledge of their experience. This knowledge, is ten times worth its weight in gold. Be a sponge and absorb as much of it as you can.

Fix Your Credit Ratings

The last thing you want to do is borrow money from family members or friends. Personal loans like these can put strains on those relationships. You can get all of the funding you need through personal loans and business loans, if you have the credit for it. Prior to even starting your business, you should make sure your credit scores are in good shape and you have eliminated as much of your debt as possible.

Practice Your Pitches

It doesn’t matter if you use a mirror, family members or friends. Practice your pitches and presentation skills. Have them play the role of a prospective client or investor and sell yourself, your idea, and your business. You can even ask your mentor to sit through a presentation if they have time, to get feedback that is closer to what you would encounter.

Continue To Analyze The Competition

The more you know about your competition, the more you can adjust your practices to survive. If you don’t keep up with what everyone else is doing, you’re going to quickly get run out of business. Knowing what services or products are being offered and for what prices can keep you competitive. The two biggest selling points for customers are price and service. If you can remain close on your competition price wise, all you have to worry about is providing quality service.

Know The Labor Laws

Ignorance is no excuse. If you own a business, you need to know what the labor laws are. You also need to make sure you are following them. If an employee gets injured and hires an attorney, you need to know what your rights are to help protect yourself and your business. Not all business will need to follow every single act, so find the ones that relate to your business and focus on those to start.

Starting a business is an extremely stressful, exciting and rewarding experience. Those who are successful always find several things they wish they would have done differently when looking back. If you have the ability to, track your progress and look over everything once a week or once a month. This lets you make any adjustments you need, to ensure your success.

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