Chicago startup pitch event Bloggers Meet Startups establishes exciting new collaborations aimed at facilitating more great connections in 2016.
New event location at 1871 will launch Bloggers Meet Startups into monthly format.
CHICAGO - On February 24, 2016, Bloggers Meet Startups will meet for the first time at 1871, 222 W. Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 1212, Chicago. This new collaboration is aimed at expanding the pitch event into a new monthly format creating twice as many Bloggers Meet Startups events each year.
"We're looking forward to welcoming Bloggers Meet Startups to 1871," said 1871 CEO Howard A. Tullman. "This is a great opportunity for 1871’s companies to make connections with interested bloggers, and our space is a natural place for the two groups to meet and collaborate on exciting technology content."
Bloggers Meet Startups, now in its fourth year, provides a soapbox for new business owners and content creators to share their ideas publicly for feedback and possible partnerships. Each event begins with a featured bloggers and a featured startup, where they have five minutes to tell their story and seek possible media coverage. The floor is then open for 60-second elevator pitches from event participants. Each event is free and open to the public with registration ticket.
"We're really excited and thankful for this collaboration with 1871 Chicago. This is an excellent opportunity to help facilitate even more connections throughout the year." said Scott Winterroth, founder, Bloggers Meet Startups. "Additionally, these events are a great way for startup founders and bloggers to practice their elevator pitch. Sometimes for the first time."
Joining the Bloggers Meet Startups Organizer Team is accomplished blogger and content marketing consultant, Maddy Osman. She will be assisting with organizing the Chicago events and provide great resource for both local bloggers and startups looking for tips and advice.
"I'm excited to explore a new direction in the world of Chicago blogging,” said Osman. “I plan on tapping my network to take this event to the next level and have big plans for BMS Chicago's future!"
“Maddy is a pro blogger and I’m very lucky she is on board to help grow this event into something much larger,” said Winterroth. “With her help, I will be able to focus on BMS Global to help bring this event into new markets.”
In addition to the new format, Bloggers Meet Startups is unveiling new features on its website,, that will allow users to network all month long and participate in discussion forums. Currently, users can signup for free while the site is in beta launch.
February 24 Bloggers Meet Startups Event Details:
- Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
- Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Ticket Prices: FREE!
- Location: 1871 Chicago | 222 W. Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 1212, Chicago, IL 60654
- Tickets:
- Social Hashtag: #bmsmeetup - Twitter: @bmsmeetup
Bloggers Meet Startups - a fun and collaborative way for Chicago bloggers, content creators and social media mavens to interact and network with startups founders. This event is open to anyone but we really encourage you to have a blog or a startup!
This is a networking event and an opportunity for open discussion. Startups and Bloggers are welcome to bring their best 60-second elevator pitch and everyone is invited to come up and talk about their projects. Everyone gets a chance (and encouraged) to pitch in sort of a speed networking fashion so bring your best pitch.
Featured projects have 5 minutes to pitch and can bring visual aids; handouts. To learn about how you can become a featured startup, visit our website: Featured Startup Request