My First Tech Week Experience

Written by Ann Flood
Published on Aug. 02, 2013
My First Tech Week Experience
[ibimage==26928==Medium==]Being a part of the Startup City Launch Competition at Tech Week in Chicago was an honor and a LOT of hard work. But, knowing I am part of a great community of startup owners who know what it's like to work relentlessly for their passion reminds me of why I started in the first place. Being among and meeting so many many great entrepreneurs who have either "been there, done that" or many of them like me who are just beginning in their startup business adventure gave me valued advice and instilled my belief that my little company, my little idea, could be huge someday.
The interns who worked at my booth were eager at getting the word out about and I couldn't have competed in the Startup Launch Competition without them. They had a good work ethic and didn't let one person walk by our booth without letting them know what a "FOAF" was and the mission of my company. Even though we didn't win the competition, I felt I had won because of all the amazing people I met and got to know.
There was even a celebrity presence that I would not have known to see at Tech Week. Jenny McCarthy was sitting at the booth next to us and was kind enough to take a picture with me and my team. I went to an event where the 2013 Stanley Cup Champions, the Blackhawks, appeared with their Stanley Cup. How cool is that?? Now I can say I had one of the best Chicago experiences, all because of Tech Week. I appreciate all the support I received, whether it was from the judges, my interns, fellow entrepreneurs, and future FOAFers, who can see my little idea, a website that connects singles through a "friend of a friend," as a big deal. Hope to see everyone again next year!!
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