5 startups with health perks that go way beyond gym memberships

Written by James Risley
Published on Dec. 19, 2016
5 startups with health perks that go way beyond gym memberships

The startup grind can be grueling — which is why many companies offer plenty of perks to keep you healthy, including gym memberships, health insurance and unlimited vacation. But sometimes you need a different kind of care, and startups are offering up some non-standard health perks to make sure employees can operate at peak performance when needed.


What they do: Redshelf makes renting textbooks easier. With students relying on digital products for so much of their work already, Redshelf helps them get closer to a fully digital education.

Perk: Getting to know your coworkers can make everybody’s job a little smoother. So the Redshelf team takes a company-wide retreat every year to get away from the stresses of work and get to know each other. Last year, the company went to Galena, Illinois for a weekend of golfing, river boat cruising and wine tours.


What they do: DialogTech helps businesses better use the phone. The company automates and analyzes the call process to provide transparency into how phone calls are affecting the bottom line.

Perk: The company’s on-site weekly yoga classes keep you limber and help you recover from long days of office work. And since the class comes to you, getting there is a breeze. You and your coworkers can even push forward together with goals and encouragement.


What they do: Optiver helps the stock market work smoothly. The electronic market maker trades with the help of tech to make sure the markets have the liquidity they need. The tech teams at Optiver are vital to making sure those trades are done quickly and seamlessly.

Perk: When coding is your job, you inevitably spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer. Add in the stress of working in the financial sector, and your muscles are likely aching every week. Optiver provides weekly in-house chair massages to help you loosen up and avoid long-term pain from tight muscles.


What they do: Financial services provider Enova uses analytics and advanced tech to provide loans and other financial help. The multinational company’s Chicago headquarters is home to more than 1,100 employees, putting it in the top 100 local tech employers.

Perk: Enova employee perks include all kinds of discounts for on-site amenities. Haircuts and manicures keep you looking good, while yoga and massages keep you feeling well. Plus, a sabbatical program allows employees who’ve been with the company for more than four years to take some paid time off to recharge and focus on something new for a while.


What they do: While the internet if full of great information, it can’t replace a good teacher. Wyzant connects learners with tutors who provide one-on-one instruction on almost any topic. By bringing together experts and learners of all stages, the company hopes to make learning easier and more personal.

Perk: Keeping your mind healthy is important for everyone, and one way to stay mentally fit is to engage in lifelong learning. Wyzant offers their employees 50 percent off tutoring, so employees can brush up on new skills, take up a hobby or challenge themselves with a topic they always struggled with.


Images via listed companies

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