Top 7 Web Design And Development Predictions For 2016

Written by Sarah Smith
Published on Nov. 30, 2015
Top 7 Web Design And Development Predictions For 2016



Things always stay in motion in the dynamic web design industry. New and exciting technologies, concepts and tools are continually introduced. Inventive minds are constantly keeping the industry fresh by coming up with innovative styles and challenging the norms. This means you always remain in touch with the throb of the website design trends in the industry if interested in online business, marketing, and web design.


With the increasing technology, user-friendly designs, more powerful tools, the web is now becoming one of the most exciting places to gather information, start new businesses or improve your social ring. When building a better audience regarding quality and numbers, or generate improved sales by extracting all the web benefits, you need to understand the most latest developments and web design trends. For 2016, here are the top 7 development predictions of web and graphic design trends to make better things for you.


1. One page Design

There is a variety of screen sizes, and this means that developers must always strive to work on user-friendly designs. These one-page designs include more scrolling and lesser clicks so that those with tablets, mobile phones and other smaller screens can effortlessly and without waiting for load times, navigate through the web pages. This also meets the e-commerce requirements. Customers want to look at all the available products on one sight.


2. No More Side Bar

Since these latest web design pages are becoming single paged, there is great need to reduce the expanded web designs. For few years, sidebars were in question and often included the click-oriented designs. Side bars are now becoming level and shifted to the base most ends of websites for one-page designs.


3. Internet Of Things

This denotes the network of objects and products that includes the various communication modes like ovens, robots, toasters, cars, plants and heat pumps. Web developers and designers have taken up the challenge of developing and designing for robots and LCDs to meet the increasing wireless technology demand. Google chairperson, Eric Schmidt, believes that the developing and designing for the internet of things will soon disappear as we will become regular of operating it as part of our daily routine.


4. Advance Responsiveness

Web designers, this year, will face the challenge of the screen and advanced technology but also mobile-first responsive designs. Google Glass, Apple Watch, and Oculus Rift have become white collar class favorite techniques. Those operating on these types of technology require fast loading websites and respond to their small screen sizes for relentless business operations. Web developers should pay attention to this to increase their niche to get more web clients


5. Developing And Designing For Small Data

Small interactions are improved by limited data with many audiences. It is important to establish a relationship with readers, for example, ask customers to click on the opinion boxes ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ and they will feel valued.


6. Full-Screen Navigation

Navigation through web pages will be easier for mobile phone users. Full-screen navigation is the next best advancement that web developers and designers need to meet to attract more clients. The fill where users need to enter their registration details, the screen should adjust automatically to fill the screen for easy use.


In overall, the web development and design trends define user friendliness and simplicity in 2016. Apps, web pages and operating systems are becoming more interconnected and integrated, to form an infrastructure of software serving all types of audiences and customers. As a web designer and developer, clients form the major part of your business. It is, therefore, important to keep them coming and in doing so you must be equipped with the latest technological web development trends highlighted above to make you successful. this is most useful in getting web design clients.

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