Glaser Technology, Inc: The Big Brother You Want

Written by Kathryn Born
Published on Feb. 08, 2012
Glaser Technology, Inc: The Big Brother You Want

-Originally posted on TINC Magazine-

Glaser Technology is your IT department. Whether you need complete support or someone to supplement your existing IT staff, we are there for you. Studies from big research firms and industry associations like Gartner and CompTIA have shown the average small to medium-sized business loses thousands of dollars a year to network downtime. According to IDC, the consistent use of management software reduces system and network downtime by up to 65%. Glaser delivers proactive managed services that keep your network up and running at optimal efficiency, with superior network performance, security and reliability at an affordable price.

24/7 Monitoring and Alerts

A study of one group of small businesses conducted by IDC showed the average loss per downtime hour was $70,000. Glaser can help you reduce your downtime, resulting in more money for your bottom line. We monitor your network 24 hours a day seven days a week. That allows us to address potential points of failure before they become critical, and in many cases, before your network experiences any problem at all. The automatic alerts allow Glaser to proactively solve most problems, resulting in less downtime and greater productivity.

Asset Management

Managing your assets appropriately saves you money. Glaser will provide you with an initial network assessment to gauge the health of your network. This scan will discover and assess possible points of failure. The ongoing scanning will certify your hardware and software is kept up to date, and provides accurate information for your insurance company. It will also track your equipment’s warranty information, ensuring you never pay for maintenance twice. 

Security Assurance

In 2001, DataMonitor PLC found the total cost of online security breaches to corporations was $15 billion. Now, more than 10 years later, with the internet becoming a larger part of every company’s marketing strategy, that number has soared. That is only part of the cost of inadequate network security. Glaser’s 24 hour monitoring provides you a bird’s eye view of your network’s security. Continuously monitoring the network’s integrity and alerting you of viruses, worms, malware and access attempts made by unauthorized users. The network scans will keep you informed of any high bandwidth games or peer-to-peer file sharing applications that monopolize your business resources and cost you money. 

Detailed Reports

Glaser provides you detailed monthly reports so you will always know exactly what is happening on your network. We also help you analyze and identify pending problems, providing effective and cost efficient solutions. You will be able to optimize every dollar you spend on IT using accurate detailed data, simplifying capacity management and upgrade planning. When you’re ready to upgrade, we can help with that too. Visit our website at and find out how we can help you.


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