Introducing The Brewer’s Barrel

Written by Tom Cullen
Published on Apr. 15, 2013
Introducing The Brewer’s Barrel

The Brewer’s Barrel ( is the best place on the internet for brewing recipes.

At LaunchPad Lab, we love beer. It is part of our culture and we have a refrigerator full of unique beers that we usually break out on Friday afternoons. Not only do we like tasting them, we also really enjoy brewing them. As we looked online for great recipes to brew, they were really hard to find. There are message boards, blogs and brewing stores, but none of those had an easy way to find the recipes we were looking for.

So as a side project, we skipped a few beer tastings and built what we think is the best place to find great beer recipes and learn how to brew them. (Ok maybe we didn't skip any tastings... It's amazing how thirsty building a brewing application made us!) We made it easy to add recipes to our “To Brew List”, brew a batch, and get feedback on our brew.

We have been using it and we love it so much that we knew we had to share it with the brewing community.

So check out at We hope you like it as much as we do.

Looking ahead, we have some cool ideas for what’s next even including an iPhone app.

Happy Brewing!



LaunchPad Lab is a web development studio in River North, Chicago. Our amazing clients include startups, trading firms, and Fortune 500 companies.

This Blog post was originally posted in The Lab.

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