Plan your Marketing Campaigns with BellaDati

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Published on Mar. 21, 2014
Plan your Marketing Campaigns with BellaDati

Plan your Marketing Campaigns with BellaDati




BellaSports is a sportswear company that is about to release a new line of running shoes. Corporate marketing has created a global advertising campaign to increase awareness with potential customers. Now, we have been tasked to run the campaign in our country’s media.


BellaSports Advertising Poster


We need to evaluate the cost and effectiveness of various media to reach the different segments of our target audience. We want to find a combination of channels that will allow us to reach the highest possible level of awareness given the budget we have received from corporate marketing.

For previous campaigns, we created a spreadsheet containing the various available media channels with their respective cost and audience reached. With this sheet, we could try out various combinations, view their cost and results, and ultimately choose one of them.


Recently, the BellaSports IT department has developed the BellaSports Marketing Planner (BMP), a planning application using embedded BellaDati to increase efficiency for local marketing offices like ours.

With BMP, we can automatically import media demographics and pricing from the advertising agencies, only resorting to manual entry for those who don’t provide their data online yet. Then, once we select the demographics to target and enter a budget, BMP immediately gives us an overview of the most efficient options - without having to go through them all one my one manually!

As we select media to include in our campaign, BMP automatically updates, showing the expected reach and suggestions how to cover the remaining audience segments!

BellaSports Marketing Planner

With BellaDati Embedded, not only did we save a lot of time, we have more thoroughly analyzed our options and created a more efficient campaign run!


Get in Touch

Do you have questions about embedding BellaDati? Do you want to know more about how you can benefit from embedded BellaDati analytics?

We’re looking forward to your call or email!


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