Recapping the MonkeyBars Spring Build 2013 Hackathon

Written by Jonathan Ozeran
Published on Mar. 06, 2013
Recapping the MonkeyBars Spring Build 2013 Hackathon


I thought I'd post my thoughts on the recent MonkeyBars Spring Build 2013 hackathon event held at the IIT Idea Shop. It is the latest in a series of carefully planned hackathon events in and around the Chicago area by Taylor Harvey and his team at MonkeyBars. 

What I found particularly unique was the diverse set of projects being worked on during the 24 hour hackathon. I saw and met with teams developing in varying technologies including C# for Windows 8 tablet-centric apps, 3D visualization & printing, Arduino robots and even a few teams using sonar and soldering irons!

As participants, mentors and friends walked through the Idea Shop, they saw a number of driven teams working cohesively to finish their projects and achieve demo-day readiness. Having attended and participated in a number of hackathons over the years, I always enjoy seeing what groups decide to focus on in a short amount of time -- it definitely builds character, provides for a specific challenge and can often lead to lifelong friendships.

The venue was very accommodating and it was extremely organized: Xbox competitions, frequent deliveries and replishment of food/drinks, convenient locations to stay focused as a team (or nap), whiteboards and portable TVs, etc all helped contribute to a successful event.

If you want to see more, check out this photo album as well as team video pitches.

And to sign-up for the Demo Day event this Friday, check out this Eventbrite link.

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