Summer Construction Trends

Written by Mark Schaffer
Published on Jul. 11, 2016
Summer Construction Trends

Summer Construction Trends

Summer Construction Trends

This time of year tends to bring more than just hot weather; it also sends more leads and jobs your way. For homeowners, summer means the ability to get more projects done before the cool weather hits. As such, business is good for many pros.

It’s great to know what to expect, not just this year, but in summer seasons to follow. This helps you plan and prepare for the business you want to get. Though there are some similarities, popular tasks vary by location. We’ve rounded up the data from the last few years of service requests on different parts of the country such as the Southwest, Upper Midwest, Southeast and South, to show you what projects are hot this summer.

NOAA Temperature Outlook 2016

Customers Need to Beat the Heat

It seems that every homeowner’s priority in the summer is to keep cool. So it’s no surprise that central air conditioning repair and installation tops our list as the number one service request. This is great news for HVAC pros who will likely stay very busy during the peak time of late June and early July.

Second to air condoning is ceiling fan installations, which is within the top seven projects of all regions, with the exception to the Midwest. This can be attributed to the mild summers the area has had in recent years. Keep an eye on your local weather this summer to see how it interacts with the seasonality of projects you have.

Sprinkler System Repair

Landscaping & Lawn Care

Homeowners have had a long winter to plan for their landscaping projects. Generally, homeowners aim to get the bulk of their landscaping done at the end of spring and beginning of summer. However, certain landscaping and lawn care project still remain popular throughout the summer months.Landscaping pros should be aware of the seasonality for their region, making note that in some areas, they’re likely to see a short spike mid-summer.

Lawn seeding and sprinkler system installations are popular in the Southwest, Upper Midwest and Southern regions of the country. This can likely to be due to upkeep as the seasons change. However, service requests quickly decline in early August, as homeowners look ahead to winter months. The exception here is the Southeast that remains steady through the majority of the year.

Swimming Pool Installation

Swimming Pool Installation & Repair

For swimming pool pros, summer is their season. After all, no one wants a pool in winter, or do they? Some interesting data we found shows that January through April tends to be the most popular months for a swimming pool remodeling in Arizona, Texas and parts of Florida. This is likely due to the mild climate for these stays and preparing for the hot summer ahead.

However, for the most part, everyone wants a place to relax and cool off outside, so an increase in swimming pool installations, both above and inground pools, tend to be on the rise in May and June, and starts to decline in most parts of the country mid-July. The exception here is the Upper Midwest, specifically Michigan, where we see a spike in pool installations around the end of July. Pool pros should be aware of this trend to better plan your projects accordingly and get more business!

Basement Waterproofing

Maybe it was the melting snow or the spring rains, but one of the service requests we see is based on staying dry. From June to September, masonry pros in the Upper Midwest should expect to see more foundation repair leads come their way. Other regions, like the Southwest, have higher volumes of requests for this project, but not enough to be in the top seven projects.


Top 7 Projects By Region


  1. Central Air Conditioning Installation
  2. Central Air Conditioning Repair
  3. Seamless Metal Gutter Installation
  4. Sprinkler System Repair
  5. Swimming Pool Cleaning & Maintenance
  6. In Ground Swimming Pool Repair
  7. Ceiling Fan Installation


  1. Central Air Conditioning Installation
  2. Central Air Conditioning Repair
  3. Sprinkler System Repair
  4. Seamless Metal Gutter Installation
  5. Swimming Pool Cleaning & Maintenance
  6. Ceiling Fan Installation
  7. Professional Moving Service

Upper Midwest

  1. Central Air Conditioning Installation
  2. Seamless Metal Gutter Installation
  3. Central Air Conditioning Repair
  4. Foundation or Basement Waterproofing
  5. Dumpster Rental Service
  6. Trim or Remove Shrubs
  7. Sprinkler System Repair


  1. Central Air Conditioning Installation
  2. Central Air Conditioning Repair
  3. Sprinkler System Repair
  4. Seamless Metal Gutter Installation
  5. Swimming Pool Maintenance & Cleaning
  6. Wood or Fiber Cement Siding Repair


Pros know that in this industry, seasonality is important when it comes to the type of projects and how much work is received. The common trend between many of these service requests is that homeowners want to stay cool this summer. By understanding the trends in your area, you can have a good understanding of what types of projects you can expect this year.


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