Web App Launch: BetterMETRA.com

Written by Chris Chaudruc
Published on Jun. 28, 2015
Web App Launch: BetterMETRA.com

Ride the METRA? Ever used their site just to find your next train?  Do you just need to know when your next train is arriving? Bookmark BetterMETRA.com on your phone or laptop to find your upcoming train schedule with three easy clicks - it does one thing and does it well.

Data is pulled live from the METRA scheduling service - not cached or archived - train times are as accurate as METRA's own data.


This was a little weekend project to learn angular.js - or more accurately - learn how hard angular.js can be. I did the flatlanders gem store tutorial (don't click - the theme song about angular will get stuck in your head) - once that was completed I set out on my own.

You'd think making an $http.get call would be dead simple but no... you have to create a factory to return a promise to a controller that will then process the promise into usable data.

Next steps will be converting this to a mobile app using the ionic framework from Drifty (located in nearby Madison, WISC). Want to add "saved trips" for commuters. Want to tap into #insta and grab metra photos for a fun view of METRA from other commuters. etc.

Feel free to use this and let me know about any errors in schedule, UI or functionality.

Have fun "catching out" on your next METRA train ride.