5 tech events to start your December off right

Written by Sam Dewey
Published on Nov. 30, 2015
5 tech events to start your December off right

Thanksgiving has already passed us by, and many of us are still paying the price for that third helping of stuffing. To help you shake off your food coma, here are five Chicago tech events that will get you out and about this week. 

Partnering for Success in FinTech: What Startups Need to Know When Working with Giants, December 1 at 5 p.m.

A successful partnership helps accelerate a startup's growth and increase the level of innovation at the established company. Building these partnerships are not without their challenges however. Learn how Discover Financial, CME Group and other leaders in the Chicago Financial Service community work with startups and hear their perspectives on the keys to creating successful partnership and navigating the process.

Design Solutions: How Might We Mentor Each Other Across Tech/Design Groups, December 2 at 5:30

How we might leverage the tech/design community’s meetup groups, events, and professional associations to create deeper connections and support for each other as mentors or mentees? Join this workshop where you work with a team to brainstorm and discover the best way for active mentoring to occur within these organizations.

Using Detail-Oriented Design to Keep Your Project from Going to Hell, December 3 at 5:30 p.m.

From process to presentation, mastering the details of a project is key to winning over your audience. Unfortunately, details are also usually the first to be ignored. Working in a lean environment, how do you fight for the little things that will ensure your product leaves a lasting impact?

Internet of Things Workshop: Introduction to Arduino with Windy City Lab, December 5, 9 a.m.

Go from blinking an LED to virtual prototyping in seven hours and still have time to eat lunch! This class is for anyone who has never played around with Arduino before and those who have played around a little bit but aren’t entirely sure about how the basics work.

Ruby on Rails Workshop for Women, December 5 at 5:30 p.m.

RailsBridge is a 100% free workshop that does not require any previous programming, Rails, Ruby, or computer science knowledge. If you’re a beginner, they’ll teach you how to rock the command line in no time. If you have experience, they’ll get your WebDev expertise even closer to final-boss-fight status. This is a two-day event hosted at Braintree. Friday evening they'll have an installfest, where we’ll help set up your computer with all of the things that enable you to dive into code cranium-first. On Saturday, Braintree will be code central from 10:30am sharp until the crack of 6:30pm, when you’ll move to the after party location (TBA) and party down!

Have a tip for us or know of a company that deserves coverage? Email us via [email protected]

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