Navigating the Hot Hiring Landscape

Sales reps from MoLo Solutions, Machinio, Spark Hire and HealthJoy share what they looked for in a new opportunity and how the job is going on.

Written by Colin Hanner
Published on Oct. 13, 2021
Navigating the Hot Hiring Landscape
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Those who quit their job earlier this year as part of the “Great Resignation” are starting to reenter the workforce — but on their terms. 

The late spring and early summer saw nearly four million people quit their jobs in April, with many determining that their current role wasn’t fulfilling their personal and professional aspirations. 

That era has ushered in “Great Reassessment,” a time when those same workers have an abundance of opportunities as employers are struggling to fill positions. In Chicago alone, there are more than 860 open sales roles. With remote roles included, that number jumps to more than 1,330.  

So what exactly are those on the job market looking for in their new role? And what are companies doing to meet workers where they are? 

In conversations with four recently-hired sales representatives from around the area, Built In Chicago discovered that company culture, career opportunities, a flexible working environment, and a tried-and-tested product or service were important factors to sales candidates when looking for a new role. 

Each chalked up the different parts of their resumes as to why they were hired, but one similarity unites them — since they’ve been brought on, all have welcomed the challenges that accompany a new role.


Katie Brombach
Carrier Sales Representative • MoLo Solutions

What attracted you to apply for a role at MoLo Solutions in the first place?

I liked that MoLo was a younger company with a great culture, and there seemed to be an opportunity to grow quickly as an individual. After training, one of the main reasons I moved into carrier sales was to work in a team environment while having friendly competition with my peers. I love the ability to prove myself as a woman in a male-dominated industry and to be in a performance-based position with no growth boundaries. I can see my development every day by looking back at my numbers, which is so rewarding and motivating. I have already learned so much by dealing with unique situations on a daily basis and I have appreciated the opportunity to develop my voice as a female in logistics!


What Molo Solutions Does

MoLo Solutions connects businesses that need to ship their products with truck drivers that have the capacity to haul those items.


Which skill or experience do you think helped distinguish you during your job search?

I believe my outgoing and friendly personality helped me during my interview process. I knew I would be going into sales and that I would be communicating and working with all sorts of people daily. I have an easy time connecting with people in general and love getting to know new people even over an interview! MoLo has a defined employee culture, which was a huge draw when I was initially looking to work here. I feel my personality aligns well with the company’s morals and values.

MoLo has a defined employee culture, which was a huge draw when I was initially looking to work here.”

What do you enjoy most about selling MoLo Solutions’s product or service, and what do you find most challenging?

Honestly, I love the whole sales cycle! From the start of a conversation or interaction, the initial greeting when answering the phone, and the negotiations up to the completed sale. That energy and connection starts immediately, and I enjoy connecting with the person on the other end. I love being able to negotiate openly with my carriers and explain what is needed to get the job done for whatever project I am involved in. 

One of the most challenging aspects is being a woman in a male-dominated industry, but I already believe that the relationships I have developed with my carriers are helping me change the perception of women in this industry. 


Anthony Pasquale
Senior Business Development Executive • Machinio

What attracted you to apply for a role at Machinio in the first place?

As I was beginning a career in sales, there were two main criteria I was looking for in an employer: a product/service I believed in, and an opportunity in which I could learn and grow. Machinio had both. I did my research on the company and thought it was such an innovative product that I know could help people grow their businesses, and I wanted to be a part of that. The great employee reviews online helped, of course, and as I went through the interview process with the management team, I knew these were people I wanted to work with.


What Machinio Does

Machinio operates a marketplace for machinery and heavy equipment. Its software, MachineryHost, is an e-commerce platform created specifically for equipment dealers.


Which skill or experience do you think helped distinguish you during your job search?

My desire to succeed. I knew that, if I got the opportunity, I would do everything in my power to learn, grow and be successful in my role, and I think I conveyed that during the interview process really well.

I did my research on the company and thought it was such an innovative product that I know could help people grow their businesses.”

What do you enjoy most about selling Machinio’s product or service, and what do you find most challenging?

I enjoy the whole process. It starts with building relationships with potential clients and having them trust in both me and the product. Then to have them actually sign up with Machinio and see great results — there’s no better feeling than that. The most challenging part comes with the territory, not being able to close a deal, especially when you know it would really be helping that person. But I tell myself it’s not necessarily a “no” for good, but just a “not now.”


Miranda Clark
Business Development Representative • Spark Hire

What attracted you to apply for a role at Spark Hire in the first place?

When I was applying, I was primarily focused on work-from-home, startup organizations that were offering a great product or service and a great work environment. When doing research, I came across Spark Hire and they checked all the boxes I was looking for, plus I was already familiar with the product as I had come across it while interviewing for other companies.


What Spark Hire Does

Spark Hire is a video interviewing platform with 5,000+ customers conducting video interviews in more than 100 countries.


Which skill or experience do you think helped distinguish you during your job search?

Even though I recently graduated in 2019, I applied to this role already having two years of relevant work experience at a nationally-known company.

When doing research, I came across Spark Hire and they checked all the boxes I was looking for.”

What do you enjoy most about selling Spark Hire’s product or service, and what do you find most challenging?

What I enjoy most about selling Spark Hire is that I really do believe it is an awesome product. While I was interviewing, I started to feel defeated because I just wasn’t getting the number of callbacks that I had hoped. I didn’t have a super buffed-up resume, so having the ability to show my personality and my strengths through Spark Hire’s platform really helped boost my confidence and success during the hiring process here.

I find getting people on the phone who are open to listening most challenging. In my last role, my clients came to me looking for my services. It was my job to qualify their needs based on what they were telling me. In this position, it is my job to seek out those prospects. Therefore, not everyone is ready to speak when I connect with them.


Catherine Quintana
Regional Sales Executive • HealthJoy

What attracted you to apply for a role at HealthJoy in the first place?

I was genuinely curious about HealthJoy and wanted to learn more about the company and its solution. I researched, watched a short video on “What is HealthJoy,” but what really stood out to me was their mission and core values. It’s not often that you come across a company that aligns with your personal values and goals, so I knew immediately that I wanted to be part of the HealthJoy team and applied.


What HealthJoy Does

HealthJoy’s platform is designed to keep employees engaged and informed, and on-demand concierges are available to answer questions and to find in-network doctors and cheaper pharmacies.


Which skill or experience do you think helped distinguish you during your job search?

I truly believe my passion to help others is what makes me stand out. My passion drives me to be an excellent listener and communicator and is what has led to a successful sales career.

I love selling HealthJoy because I believe in our mission, our people and how HealthJoy impacts everyday members.”

What do you enjoy most about selling HealthJoy’s product or service, and what do you find most challenging?

My favorite part of the sale is getting to see the technology come to life for organizations and hearing the experiences and stories from the members we’ve been able to help. I’d say the most challenging part of the sale is the cyclical side to it. Many organizations look to launch HealthJoy in tandem with their benefits renewal, but the truth is, no one should wait to get this into the hands of their members.

Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Headshots provided by respective companies. Header image via Shutterstock.

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