Top Tech Companies (511)
"What is BowFix?" OpenTable for vehicle repair. An online booking and deal network that connects traditional vehicle service providers to financially-minded, eco-conscious consumers.For Consumers: One-stop vehicle maintenance & repair Crowdsource ratings & referrals Financial savings & eco/ green savings REAL rewards you can useFor Providers: Advertising, booking system, bidding & payment all built for vehicle service Measurable increased revenue & customer satisfaction REAL referrals that drive revenue not advertising crapshoots Network for earning net-new customers already trying to find you
A child born in the 21st century knows how to use the internet before he/she can walk. Why must education be brick and mortar? Instructor-led online classes for K-12 Students to augment in-school Academic classes, Enrichment, and SAT/ACT prep classes. We educate, demonstrate to and test your child on a schedule that works with you.
Connects diners to restaurants.
Stylisted is the premier platform for beauty professionals to source & manage their freelance business. Through the website or mobile app, stylists can create online portfolios, receive appointment requests from clients, and outsource all business operations in order to focus on their craft. Currently operating in Chicago, NY, LA and D.C.
We are a startup centered around a trust and values based, concept geared at social peer to peer transactions and recommendations. Our mission is to create a marketplace that promotes safety, responsibility and accountability on a local and global level.
The Restaurant Bucket List app on Facebook is a fun, simple and social way to keep track of and share all of the restaurants that are "on your list" to go to, and those you have already visited, and to see the same for your friends.
Figo is a Chicago-based pet insurance and technology provider committed to helping pets and their families enjoy their lives together. We got our start at 1871, and have become the only InsureTech company in the pet space.
UpRight Law is a consumer web company enabling consumers access to high quality, convenient legal services over the web. We are on a mission to increase consumer access to justice through the use of cutting edge technology, world class customer service and proven legal strategies.
HealthEngine is working to rationalize the healthcare industry by allowing providers to set their own prices in a competitive medical provider marketplace benefiting consumers, employers, and municipalities.Most healthcare providers want to grow their businesses, especially in cases where they have excess capacity that would otherwise be wasted. As such, they are willing to charge competitive rates in the marktetplace, even if insurance companies keep rates high.Our primary business is supporting employers and municipalities, but consumers can connect via online search or our Concierge service.The HealthEngine Concierge will help any consumer or employee negotiate a future expense, a bill already received, or otherwise help consumers understand their healthcare options.
The MBA IQ measures your knowledge, giving you the power to build a strong foundation in business.
Finding trustworthy information regarding health issues can be a frustrating experience. Veritas Health publishes a network of patient education websites featuring doctor-authored, peer-reviewed content that's understandable, accessible, and accurate—which is why millions of patients trust Veritas Health and visit its sites each month.
Me So Far puts a diverse group of single people in a room together and gives them a fun, structured way to connect with one another. Attendees have two ways to to participate: as a Talker or a Listener.Talkers choose from a list of 50 questions and prompts which range from the meaningful to the mundane. From this they create an informal, six-minute slideshow to present at the Me So Far Story Session. Each presentation ends with a temporary Me So Far email address so they can be contacted by Listeners and other Talkers.Listeners are more than just an audience for the Talkers, they also spend time getting to know each other between presentations and after the event. After the event, they have 72 hours to reach out to any of the Talkers they’d like to know more about. No procrastination, no self-doubt—just action.Me So Far was inspired from a very simple insight: People connect when they listen to each other.Unfortunately, today’s fast-paced, world of dating isn’t set up to make this happen. Me So Far was created as a new dating option—an option that emphasizes dimensionality, honest stories, and human connection.
YouCopia is a fast-growing home brand focused on storage & organization. Since 2009, we've been designing innovative products that sell into accounts including Amazon, Target, and The Container Store. A small team with big goals, we work closely together to deliver a “woo hoo” brand experience that reaches millions of consumers each year.
Every Last Morsel is a community marketplace for locally grown food -- like an Etsy for small farms and backyard gardeners. We provide growers with web-based record-keeping tools and easy-to-use sales outlets that allow farms to focus on doing what they love -- growing good food.
Demotic is the first platform dedicated to establishing social and professional relationships within residential real estate buildings. By creating a private environment for verified building members to connet, Demotic enables valuable communication, collaboration and transparency to fuel efficiency throughout all building operations.Demotic was recently rebranded as Residence Connect, and is a Consumer Interactions portfolio company - Residence Connect - the private social network for your residential
At Betr we are on a mission to help everyone feel Betr. We’ll do this by providing access to OTC medications through our D2C platform, offering consumers with unique experience in this category. An important part of our mission is our giveback platform in which we will enable those in need to get free access to medications - when we say making everyone feel Betr, we truly mean everyone!
Sportd helps athletes find sports camps and private lessons. Coaches and Schools can create profiles to showcase thier camps and lessons. Athletes can upload stats, achievements, photos, and videos to share with coaches and college scouts.
More than 90 percent of all products with a resale value are either thrown away or forgotten. ShelfFlip makes it easy to find and catalogue the products you have purchased online, calculate their highest possible resale value, and sell them with just a few clicks. Our goal? To be the hassle-free marketplace for your communnity.We are based in Chicago and are a part of Impact Engine, an accelator program for social entrepreneurs.
OneMain Financial is one of the largest consumer lending companies in the country. We provide real lending solutions to real people who use their loans for debt consolidation, home improvements and much more. Through constant innovation, our mission is to simplify the loan process and be the premier branch and online lender of the 21st century.
Albert accelerates learning outcomes through interactive practice for over 200 academic subjects. We believe that the best way to master anything is to "learn by doing" and offer high school and college students the most effective and accessible learning tool ever made. As education becomes ever more digitized, Albert is positioned to be the global leader in technology-enhanced practice materials for academic subjects.